Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Homestead of George Henry Draper in Castle Dale, Utah, 1888

George and Eliza moved to Castle Dale, Emery Stake, Aug 1886, because Joseph Draper, Father's half brother, suggested that there would be work on a new canal, and farms to be homesteaded. While in Castle Dale, Father homesteaded a piece of land and built a log cabin on it, and worked on the canal.

When they were moving to Castle Dale with team and wagon, they had with them Eliza four years old, George W. two years old, and Charles just a baby six weeks old. Mother and the two oldest children walked and Mother , carrying the baby over the most dangerous places going over mountains from Ephraim. The roads were muddy and driving hazardous. At one time the wagon struck a stump of a tree and Father was thrown over the horses heads. Mother called frantically, "George have you broken your neck?" In anger my Father replied, nit makes no difference if I have, it's long enough to tie" which though ridiculous sounded mighty good to my Mother.

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